Here are some highlights...
The group that went - from left to right: Andrea, Andrew, Mikaela, Dane and Emily. Bridgette, Gail and Ray, Jenica and Sean.

Our good friend Shaye surprised me by making me this shirt before we left. It assisted in my Team Captain duties. Thanks Shaye!

The house we all stayed at and surrounding landscape

The ministry was eventful and we had some great results. Between 10 of us we reached close to 600 homes, placed 109 Bible Teach books, 380 Watchtowers and Awakes. 69 people requested a return visit and 17 showed Outstanding Interest.
The territory was about 80% LDS (Mormons). They don't drink coffee, so we thought this sign at a Baptist Church was pretty funny
Sugar! The best for kids...
This road led to Paradise. If only...

Sean ... so silly

This house had a Dr Pepper machine outside their house. 50 cents later we were drinking the bubbly good stuff :-)

We met up with the local Congregation and got to know some of the local Brothers and Sisters

Me with Glen - a local Brother from Logan Congregation. He was a blast! Best day in service .... ever

If you look close you'll see a weird creepy pic of a baby in jail. Why, I don't know.

Yep, most LDS had money

Heading out to do some rural territory

We walk strong, we preach hard

Andrea, Bridget and Mikaela had some great experiences. This video has some of the Outstanding Highlights
After a long day in the ministry we had some fun, food and family time. But we gotta make sure we write down the RV's and Oustanding Interest found first.
We all had our own ways of winding down...

Ray's choice: Drambuie. Mmmm ... its like sweet kerosene.
I am a fan of good whisky. This Honey Whiskey was suprisingly VERY tasty. Thanks Andrew!
All our meals were made together and eaten together every night. It was great!

Spiritual feeding...also important.

Andrea has been goaded on by Sean. He is paying the price.

The pillow fight and Sean's antagonizing Andrea was hilarious

I think Sean is calling his Mom after he was pummeled in the pillow fight :-/

Way to put the girls to work Jenica!
What? Don't judge me, its low-fat. OK no its not, but it is very delicious!
Cookie dough - it's for kids

Like many Mormon homes this one is equipped with a trampoline. We enjoyed it.
Andrew in a sweet high jump shot
We told Jenica she had 80's rocker hair. She indulged us ;-)

Pesto omelette anyone?
The Logan Congregation (The Marvins) had us over for a BBQ - great people!

Some pics of the downtown Logan area

Haha. He looks like we do.

Some of us (Dane and Emily), Andrew, Ray and Gayle went to Bear Lake and Yellowstone National Park after our assignment. The scenery and natural sites were amazing. Not to mention the fun company :-)
Bear Lake

MMMMmmmm – delicious raspberry shakes

Yep it was fun...

Yellowstone National Park

I always knew Andrew had Super Powers. But steam? Really dude? That may come in handy if I have some veggies I need cooked...

Old Faithful

The maturity here is astounding