In our last post we had our first visitors - our great friends Shaye and Elizabeth. It was great to see some of our USA family. We miss you all and wish all of you could be here with us. Emily put together highlights of their trip and I compiled them in 2 parts. Here is PART 2, enjoy!
The Impossibly Adorable Munoz Family
The Munoz family invited us over for dinner Thursday eve. After a long day of traipsing through the Mexican jungle it was great to come home to a delicious home cooked meal.
Dane and Louis Alberto have developed a neat friendship. They also have a friendly competition over Superman related things. He wore his Superman shirt to dinner and Louis Alberto brought out his “A” game. How did we manage to move right above another Superman fan?!?

That’s Betty on the left.

Betty made a delicious authentic Mexican dish made from slow roasted pork stewed in numerous spices. Mmm Mmm good. And that red-ish drink is "Jamaica" (a sweet drink made with Hibiscus flower)

This wonderful dessert is guavas. She simmered them with cinnamon sticks and a type of Mexican sugar that tastes like crystallized molasses. It was amazing warmed up and served over ice cream.

Luis Alberto is such a character. Remind you of anyone? We decided he’s the Mexican Dane. Or Dane is the American Luis Alberto.

Friday – Pyramids and San Grutas
Archeological Ruins – La Campana Site (Pyramids)
They think this site is from around 1500 B.C. These stone pyramids and platforms were coated with a type of stucco and painted with mythological figures when they were in use. It is said to be the biggest Pre-Hispanic site in western Mexico. They are still excavating and restoring it.
This video shows an overview of the area. For a better viewing experience TURN YOUR SOUND ON.
Like most ceremonial centers, it had a ball court. These ballcourts vary considerably in size, but all have long narrow alleys with side-walls against which the balls could bounce. The game had important ritual aspects, and major formal ballgames were held as ritual events. The sport was also played casually for recreation by children and perhaps women. The sport had different versions in different places during the millennia, they believe it was similar to soccer. The game is still played in a few places by the local indigenous population.

There were several wells in this area. They looked about 15 feet deep.

Elizabeth was quick around the ruins so she had time for plant hunting.

One unique feature of this site is that there’s an intact ancient tomb.

The girls chilled under the shade while we checked out the tomb.

Lunch time! These were piled high with meat – for 10 pesos (83 cents) each! The best taco bargain for that amount of food we’ve found so far.

We saw beautiful sights on the way to the caverns.
Cow and papaya farm

And of course we stopped to inspect interesting flora along the way.

What ARE these? They had inch long bodies the shape of ants and the coloring of shiny honey bees.

Los Grutas de San Gabriel
These caverns were one of the highlights of the week for us. It was such a treat to be able to wonder at these masterpieces. No matter how many of Jehovah’s creations I’m privileged to see I’m again blown away by Jehovah’s breathtaking beauty.
It was a little hike to get down to the caverns.

We saw a stalactite THIS big!

The guide was adorable. He excitedly took us around the cave and positioned us for fun pictures.

Where the stalactites had broken we could see the layers from underneath. Gorgeous! Such a feast of Jehovah’s works of art.

These tiny bats were flying around.

Sat – Turtles and The Beach
Saturday we went to a turtle and iguana sanctuary. Adorable.

In action! The turtles did some funny stuff too... You'll see.
We got to enjoy the waves and one last sunset together.

Sunday Shaye and us went to the beach while Eliz chilled. We made one last stop at the fruit stand on the way to the airport. We were able to hang for part of the time they were waiting for the plane - we had to make it to meeting on time. After many big hugs we walked back into the Mexican sun.
It was strange not to be going back to Portland with our friends. But only a few more months until we get to see all of you again. And we’ll be very busy with service since we’re still catching up a little from getting here and we need to be way ahead on our time when we leave Mexico.
Much Agape,
Dane & Emily