To start off, here's something we've never experienced in the States...
Eduardo (Emily's study's child). Here Tiffany shows him some stories from My Book Of Bible Stories. (Tiffany and Trevor were still here when Ben and Bekah visited, they left days after)

Just a few days after Uncle Keith and Aunt Debbie left, Ben and Bekah arrived.

Here she is in action! (Turn on sound)
Here is a video of this very unique sight. Apologies for the choppy video, we were moving pretty fast and they were not very close to the boat. (Turn on Sound)
I caught a Cookie fish

While Ben and Bekah were visiting the date arrived for a number of people from our hall to leave.

We got to take them to "El Salto" while they were here. Our buddies Armando and Damaris joined us.

Here Bekah poses with a farmer from Minnesota

They call it "Mexican Water"

We had 2 English Congregations (about 53 Publishers) at this Memorial. Total in attendance was 96.

Until next time....
- Dane & Emily