The first wedding we got to attend was in Colima.

The Second wedding was in Guadalajara

The third wedding was our own Eric - one of the brothers we've been pioneering with for the last 2 years. And now we've been able to get to know his sweet new bride Rosie.

Trevor and Tiffany and also Steve and Lyndsey came down for Eric's wedding. It was so great to have some of the old gang back for a bit! It was just a couple of days but even so it was nice to see them.

I hadn't seen Tiffany for almost a year. We only got to spend one day together but it was a blessing to at least catch up for a while. I've missed her terribly - she was always such a good friend and a loving support.
Wedding #4 -Chris and Olga - a super fun pioneer couple that we've been getting to know since the congregations combined. Chris was in the New York Bethel for 12 years in the bindery.

We ahve a new family from Seattle, WA area visiting for months. The Seims. We'll introduce more of them later. Here's me and Leah.

It was a magical day - and then they had a beautiful and romantic wedding the next day!

There were so many people that we had met in the other English congregation in Manzanillo but even though we lived in the same town we only did social things with them occasionally. Now that we're in the same congregation we're able to get to know delightful people like Gama and Deanna (in the picture below) better.

A ton of people from New York, Washington and other areas flew in for Chris and Olga's wedding. It was a two week whirlwind of getting to know all sorts of fun people that are doing different spiritual goals in the US and other countries. It was a BLAST! And very encouraging to to hear about what people are doing in other areas.

This is called a "molcahete" - it comes to you bubbling hot - and full of yumminess!

This woman is cutting up "Yaka" fruit - it grows around town and has a very unique flavor. It is sometimes called the fruit of 7 flavors - it tastes like a combination of watermelon, cantelope, nectarine and mystery.

Every year we look forward to this artisans fair. Artisans from all over Mexico are here for a couple of weeks.

We had a kids day with Melina and Yolanda and Luis Alberto and Betty's family.

The kids caught me brightly colored guppies that live in a local stream. They live in my kitchen now.

We did a kid's party with Eli and Sandy. The kids were so much fun!

One of the funnest parts for me was helping the kids do a project where they found pictures that made them think of Jehovah as our loving Father and pictures that represented fun things they would like to do in the coming paradise. They are so adorable!

It was delightful having Leo and Brian spend the day with us too.

We got all four of the Seims family, Leo and Brian and us in the car!

After "Party Month" was over things got back into a routine (mostly :-) Then we got right into a new form of witnessing and other parts of our ministry that have been keeping us busy. We'll try to get pics up soon!