She actually came on a plane though : )
We took Debbie to Tonala. A town near Guadalajara that has great prices on all kinds of home stuff...

She treated us to the Guadalajara Zoo. It was great!

Just another Monkey

They had a safari ride. Here's some rhinos

Guadalajara Zoo with Debbie from DaneAndEmily on Vimeo.

No this isn't the Grand Canyon. At the end of the zoo was this beautiful canyon

We had our 2-Day Assembly and got to have our Auntie Debbie join us. Here our own Holly shared her experience.

We met Yobany a great brother that has been assigned to Melaque the next congregation north of us about 40 minutes.

Then Mama arrived!

Yobany happened to be downwtown :-)

Yeah this is how studies go here ; ) This is Paulina, she's a delight and goes to Sunday meetings with us. It was so neat how we met: we were in the campaign work for the Memorial - Jenny and McKenzie were at the door and I was on the sidewalk waiting. A man drove by and asked about what we were doing - In English - then he explained that he and his daughter moved from New York recently and do I know anyone who would be able to study with his daughter in English? (!!!!!!) It was hard for me to keep from jumping up and down and squealing with excitement. I tried to keep my cool as I assured him that I would be happy to come to his home and study with his daughter. She has lived in the states until just recently - she's 10 years old and very bright. She has a great sense of humor and a really neat way of coming up with illustrations to understand what she's learning.

And of course Imelda and "Lalo"

Mama and Debbie had fun meeting our studies... and their puppies...

We took a trip to Tenacatita and Barra de Navidad, a couple beautiful spots north of Manzanillo.

Bill and Pam, a couple from the Seattle WA area joined us. It was a Delight spending the day with them and getting to know them! Thanks Bill for your great "Coming into the Truth" story :-)

After meeting we got to have the girls over...

We'll miss our Mexico family the Munoz'. It was so fun having our family meet our Mexico Family.

If you know my brother Jocob he often does a picture face like mom is doing. Now we know here he gets it :-)

Goofing around at a hacienda in Nogueras

Pyramids in Colima
The crazy girls we are...
A little puff from the Colima volcano. It was actually ACTIVE! At night lava was visible.
A burial tomb at the pyramids
She eventually got this 3,000 year old rock in the trunk of our car. Surprisingly the Mexican officials didn't mind we took it.
Just kidding, it was too heavy ; )
Mmmm frutas...

The girls did not like some of the Mexian fruits

What a treat it was to have both my Mama and my Auntie here in Manzanillo. I was so glad my Mama could see what our lives are really like down here.